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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Politics - a continuation of business by other means...

Think about it - it really is. And it is one of the great misfortunes of the 20th centure. Capitalism has a lot to answer for, to be sure. At the top of my list would be its surefooted erosion of civic values and social-mindedness into the deplorable state in which we find ourselves today. The United States. What a joke.

Big money directs big politics regarding what to do, which is to maximize the return on big money. Society? Social welfare? Civility? Who cares? These are not the stuff of economic success. Or are they?

When traveling overseas I am sometimes embarrassed to disclose the fact that I'm an American because of how we behave at home. More and more, I fear, we are becoming a greedy, uncouth people - self-absorbed and utterly uncaring about anyone or anything else.

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